We've all done it... Whether it was wearing those killer heels when you are used to wearing flats, slipping whilst running down a hill, or simply tripping over the kids left out toys, the majority of us have twisted an ankle or knee at some point in our lives! The key is how to improve the situation once it’s occurred.
Click on the links below for examples of what we can offer at Cathedral Physiotherapy.
Sports Injuries:
Whether you are after prevention or cure, Cathedral Physiotherapy can help you. Excellent assessment will ensure that you receive the treatment you require, be it a combination of functional exercise, manual therapy, ultrasound, taping or acupuncture. We have a small exercise area in the clinic, but can also adapt your training program for your to rehabilitate at your own gym / pool.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Young adult hip pain:
Hip pain in young adults can be caused by a number of issues from muscle imbalance around the hip, cartilage problems within the joint, bony anatomical issues or referred pain from the back or pelvis. The excellent clinical reasoning found at Cathedral Physiotherapy will help to differentiate the causes and formulate a treatment plan or onward referral as required. I have worked closely with the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Hospital hip consultants with patients with femoral acetabular impingement in particular, including being involved in research, and so am at the cutting edge of treating this group of patients.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Children’s Injuries:
Although many children bounce back quickly after injury, if they are particularly sporty, or have lost their confidence after a sprain, strain or fracture they may need some reassurance and treatment / exercises to return to their previous level of care-free fitness.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
For those individuals diagnosed with haemophilia, early access to physiotherapy is crucial following a bleed. This is a niche area that Sarah has worked in as the designated haemophilia physiotherapy specialist at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital over the last few years, so you can be assured that you are in safe hands
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Following a broken bone, the joints around the area will often become stiff and painful, the muscles weak and balance poor. This is easily improved with the advice, manual therapy and exercises provided by Cathedral Physiotherapy.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Pregnancy related pain:
Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain is common and affects 1 in 5 women during their pregnancy. There are a wide range of symptoms, some of which improve naturally during the course of the pregnancy as your body adapts, some which need advice and /or treatment early on to keep you as active as possible. Don’t suffer in silence, get help early.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Sprains and Strains:
Minor sprains and strains can be managed with PRICE therapy:
Protect the area using a support temporarily, Rest the are for the first 48-72 hrs, apply Ice wrapped in a damp towel for 15-20 mins every 2-3 hrs of the day for the first 72 hrs (be careful not to place ice directly on the skin), Compress or bandage the injured area to limit swelling, being careful not to affect the blood flow and remove the bandage before sleep, Elevate the injured area, supported on a pillow, to reduce the swelling. Ultrasound and taping can also promote healing. Following this we will help rehabilitate you range of movement, strength and balance so that you return to your full function.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Post fracture rehabilitation:
It is quite common to have on-going problems with pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints surrounding the area where you have fractured. However the real issue, is that people often lose their confidence too. Let us rehabilitate you back to your previous level of function or fitness allowing you to live your life to the full.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Back Pain:
Low back pain is reported by 80% of people at sometime in their life. A large percentage of this will improve with basic advice and exercises, but some people need more specific treatment (work-related advice, functional exercises, manual therapy). Come and be assessed today so that we can help you on your road to recovery, and to help prevent recurrence.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Hip / Knee / Ankle pain:
Hip pain - Problems with cartilage, early osteoarthritis, tendonopathy, sprains and muscle imbalances can all cause hip pain, but it can also be referred from the back. Accurate assessment is crucial to ensure you have the right treatment to improve your problem.
Knee pain – Be it local pain, swelling or stiffness secondary to an acute injury to the ligaments of the joint, more insidious in nature, or referred pain, once diagnosed, the majority of problems will significantly improve with a specific functional exercise program, but if necessary it can also be treated with manual therapy, ultrasound, taping or acupuncture too.
Ankle pain – The majority of people have sustained a sprained ankle at some point, and we can offer acute treatment for this with ultrasound, soft tissie therapy, taping and exercises. However, we rely on our legs heavily, and the key is to prevent it recurring again through specific rehabilitation, so that you can stay as fit and active as you wish.
Whether your pain is work or hobby related it is important to get the correct advice early to prevent chronicity. An excellent assessment will differentiate the problem and help you to manage and improve your symptoms.
Arm pain can be referred from the neck, but is more commonly related to impingement of the tendons, or tears of the muscle, but can also be due to ‘frozen shoulder’.
Elbow complaints include tennis elbow, golfers elbow, or nerve irritation.
Wrist pain is commonly related to the position of the wrist at work or during hobbies, but can be due to stiffness post fracture, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
Orthopaedic post operative care:
Come to Cathedral Physiotherapy for your post operative care. Be it following a fracture, ligament reconstruction, hip arthroscopy, or joint replacement we can help you regain your independence. Having worked at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital for the many years I have strong links with the orthopaedic teams there.
Initial Assessment: £70 for 1 hourSubsequent Treatments: £50 for 1/2 hour
How does it work?
Initial assessments
Initial assessments take up to 60 mins (depending on the condition) and involve talking through your physical problems, concerns, aims of treatment, and your personal functional goals. A physical assessment is then undertaken, looking at the parts of the body in question, including areas that connect with it or can refer symptoms to it. It is helpful to come prepared with a vest top/T-shirt and shorts as you will need to remove some items of clothing.
Following the physical assessment you will have some form of treatment - either advice and exercises, or other adjuncts (mobilisation, manipulation, taping, electrotherapy) as appropriate for your condition. I work closely with you to ascertain what you want to achieve, and we will develop a treatment plan together, combining your aims, my experience and the evidence base for that specific problem.
Follow up treatments
Follow up treatments take up to 30 mins, and will involve a shortened re-assessment to ascertain how you have progressed, and if you have any concerns, advice, exercise (including reviewing your home exercise plan) and other forms of treatment as required.